
Pokój jednoosobowy typu Standard

Number of guests: 11 bedroom1 single bed

Room properties:

Number of guests: 1
Number of bedrooms: 1
Number of bed: 1 single bed

Rules and fees:

Opening hours: Keys can be collected 24/7 after a telephone contact

Additional options:

Additionally charged while booking:
  • łóżeczko dziecięce 15.00 zł (per person for each night)
  • breakfast 34.00 zł (per person per night)

Additional information for bookers:

Pokój jednoosobowy Standard ze wspólną łazienką

Price List

18 August02 January
from 99.00 zł / day
  • during the weekdays139.00 zł / day
  • weekend159.00 zł / day
02 January30 April
from 129.00 zł / day
  • during the weekdays129.00 zł / day
  • weekend149.00 zł / day
04 May18 June
from 129.00 zł / day
  • during the weekdays129.00 zł / day
  • weekend149.00 zł / day
22 June14 August
from 129.00 zł / day
  • during the weekdays129.00 zł / day
  • weekend149.00 zł / day
17 August24 December
from 129.00 zł / day
  • during the weekdays129.00 zł / day
  • weekend149.00 zł / day